Lucy's Dance Recital - Let's Celebrate!
On Saturday Lucy had her very first dance recital. And she was great!
Warning: tons of photos. This post is mostly for me to remember the fun night. Sorry for the overload!Lucy was in the youngest group of dancers, but she was the oldest in her class and took it all really seriously. She wanted to make sure all the dance moves were correct. She even told me the day before the performance, "Mom, I need more help with the ballet dance! I don't know it all the way!" I ensured her there was nothing to worry about.
Lucy's class performed 4 dance numbers throughout the night. The first was a Mickey Mouse birthday song. They looked irresistibly cute in their Minnie outfits.They came skipping on stage stage carrying birthday gifts.
Then they danced, looked cute, forgot the moves, remembered some moves,
and wiggled their tails from time to time. It was really, really cute.
And Lucy loved being just like Minnie (even the red lipstick. Though the eyebrow liner was a bit scary).
While Lucy's class changed for their next number, her school friend Nicole got up on stage for a Shirley Temple dance.
Seriously, how adorable is this sight:
I don't even know this little girl's name but what a doll!
The next number was "All the Little Children" and they sang and danced in party dresses (Lucy asked every girl in the room do you like my sparkly dress?)
The three-year-old girls weren't always interested in dancing.
There was a photographer backstage, taking group pics after each dance. Cheesy backdrop. But I liked piggybacking on her set-up.
The finale was with all the dancers, in their Let's Celebrate T-shirts (the theme of the recital)
The white gloves were cute.
But my favorite number was "Petite Ballerina".
This is the dance Lucy was worried about and honestly, she was the only one on stage that knew the entire dance. Pretty funny.
They all looked dainty just twirling, singing, and acting like ballerinas.
Here's a 1 minute video from the dance, jumping in mid-way in the dance (Lucy is 2nd from the left). Wait for about 10 seconds and it improves. I like how Lucy instructs another girl to move off stage afterward.

Time to wash out that crazy Frida makeup. We went out to get a treat afterward (at uh, 7-11. Seriously, these kids are easy to please) and the checkout lady looked at Lucy kind of weird. I promise we're not the Ramseys.