Mother's Day 2011
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!
We hope you enjoyed your day!
Our festivities started out early in the week when the kids brought home decorated flower pots and cute cards the kids brought home from school. They could have brought me a hand-drawn picture and I would have loved it all.I'm so lucky to be a mom to these cute kiddos! Lucy's right eye is kind of red from a strange allergy she had that day. It's kind of funny to me that we've sealed that moment in history now.
At church today the kids sang the token Mother's Day song which I always love (even when I didn't have any kids!). And then they surprised us in Relief Society with cool corsages and funny "about Mom" pages. The only defining characteristic Owen could point out about me is that I have "2" eyes. I feel special. At least he doesn't know my weight.
We spent the weekend without Casey (he's in Virginia for business) but we made the most of it and actually had a lot of fun. On Saturday we went shopping, got sandwiches, saw Gnomeo and Juliet (really cute) and on Sunday we hung out at the house, had friends come over to play, went to the park, and I whipped up two super chocolately molten lava cakes. One for me; the other for me. Okay, I let the kids try one. They didn't get very far into it.
With Casey gone, I warned the kids this morning that since it was Mother's Day, there would be no fighting or whining among them. Haah. They actually did okay!
Lucy was a real sweetheart and kept reminding me all day that it was Mother's Day, giving me hugs, and saying I love you. It was very sweet.
And finally, we took our token Mother's Day pic together! Here's a look back at the previous Mother's Days....
Lucy was only 3 months old and I remember that the night before Mother's Day she slept through the entire night. The best gift ever!

How we miss Casey's parents, their house, and the gorgeous bougainvillea.
Owen is 5 months old, Lucy is 2.

Wowzers! You have a Mother's Day pic from the FUTURE. I'm impressed :)
Cute post! Looks like you got some fun stuff. I too LOVE the homemade gifts!! They are PRICELESS.
And a Happy Mother's Day to you!!! It sounds like a splendid weekend, even though Casey was gone. I love the annual MD photo! Another great idea from Dana!! :-)
You are so good about documenting the day! And, the photos -- since I always take all of them in the family, there are very few of me and the kids. Sounds like it was a good one (I saw chocolate involved, so not sure how bad it could have been).
LOL @ Owen! What a cutie! Fun Mother's day post, love the pics of you and the kids over the years!
I love that you've taken a picture with your kids every year on Mother's day! What a fun tradition.
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