Port Aransas and Mustang Island
A few weeks ago we drove further south in the US than we've ever been....to the Gulf of Mexico! Our friends in Round Rock invited us to spend a weekend with them, just hanging out at the beach and of course we said YES.
So, 4 hours south of Austin is Corpus Christi. And 1/2 hour past that is a cute Texas beach town called: Port Aransas. Mustang Island is the unique stretch of shoreline there.
We stayed at the Laughing Horse Lodge.Where there were tons of cute kids (2 per family),
Very colorful and kitschy decor,
Lots of drinks and treats,
And tons of fun people!
From left to right: Us, Christa and Matt Hall and their girls Lexie and Brooklyn (my Warhol dress model), Jon and Katie Evans and their kids Lydon and Maddie.Seriously, this was one of my favorite Texas weekends. We had a blast! The lodge was a little quirky and weird so next time we'll probably go for a slight upgrade. But the company was great and I really loved all the bright beach vibes.
Every time I drive through our own neighborhood I think, "why is EVERYTHING brown?? Brown houses, brown rocks, brown dirt, brown BORING." Let's take a few notes from the Carribean folk and spice it up! I think I was meant to live by the beach. And this weekend I decided I want to move to Port Aransas.....maybe...
The turquoise home in the distance? I want it.
But back to our funny lodge.
When I read the hotel description on their website it said, "we're funky and unique with a bit of beach and bit of cowboy."
Yep. The funky beach:The bit of cowboy:
It was such a funny little place. These pictures make me laugh just thinking about it. The living quarters were really tight with 3 families. There was no living room or couch or hang out area, and no hallways anywhere. Just 3 bedrooms that opened into each other and a really small funny kitchen. But the kids didn't care and had so much fun together jumping on beds, watching movies, and acting silly. Lucy and Lydon were little buds. At one point I heard him say to Lucy, "your dress is cute". Haha. I love kids.
Of course the real highlight of the weekend was spending an entire day at....the BEACH!!!
I've been itching for the sandy waters lately.
Growing up with the Pacific Ocean all my life, I approached the water cautiously, tiptoeing my way in, expecting that quick chill that runs up your body. But, surprise! It was warm! I couldn't believe it! Totally dreamy. You could walk right it, no problem. And that's just what we did all day.The kids all played so well together.
(the little love birds again):
There was a lot of this:
and this:
and this (which all reminded me of being a kid, searching for shoreline treasures):
The adults set-up camp and soaked up the sunshine and chatter. It was really fun to get to know everyone better. A cool group of friends.
Katie and Jon again. Katie is a photographer and Jon is an Audio Engineer and musician. I related to both of them so well. We could have talked for hours! Oh wait, we did.
The kids gathered a large collection of seashells and sorted them like Halloween candy.
Lexie made this cool line:
and even little Brooklyn helped!
This shell was my favorite. We brought it home.
And the rest of the day was spent doing....beach stuff. Looking for things,
Dancing (how great is her tan line?),
getting messy,
walking around,
looking for stuff again,
bundling up,
and finally making a castle. Well, this was my first attempt...
but then Casey walked up with a bag full of these and construction was abandoned.

Just a chair in the water.

We ate lasagna, let the kids run around till they completely crashed and then played silly games all night and found out that Jon likes bubble baths and clowns. The late hours always bring out the best in us.
The next day we ate Sugar cookies for breakfast.

Everywhere you drive in town you see these funny shark heads, leading into the store. Kitschy cool and kind of crazy.

But hey, everyone has their problems. How many times do fires blow through southern California? Earthquakes? Flooding in the south? Tornadoes? We all have mother nature issues. I'm just trying to talk Casey into it all....

I really want to pee right now, in the coral pink house please.

I'm already dreaming about our next trip there.