Sunday Night - Granger Lake
I often forget that we live in a "small town". Because we're only 20 minutes from Austin, it doesn't seem real at times. But that's the life we're living! I guess that's why I find the outdoor/country scenery a bit foreign yet so endearing. I just want to take a bazillion pictures of it all! And on Sunday there was plenty of opportunity.
Casey and I have noticed that there seems to be a Lake in every town around here. Though we live a mile from Lake Georgetown, for our Sunday Night outing we ventured to the next closest lake in a small town called Granger. The 20 minute drive looked like this:What gorgeous country! In fact, the entire outing felt like a photo-shoot set-up. Everything around us was just too beautiful and picturesque.
The plan was to drive 20 minutes to Granger, drive over the dam and walk around the lake. Lucy of course told us the entire drive that she was going to go swimming in the lake. I replied with that motherly response, "we'll see." I was hoping she'd forget about swimming once we got there because I hadn't brought any swim stuff nor was I sure you could even swim in the lake.
When we pulled up to the lake, the "swimming beach" road was closed so we headed over to the boat drop-in. It was just us and one other group at the drop-in. They were headed out for duck hunting at dusk. We chatted for a bit and let the kids put their feet in the water. But there was no chance Lucy was going to stop at just her feet.So.....we went trashy style and dropped the clothes.
and the kids had a ball! It wasn't the most comfortable walking on the cement boat driveway but the kids didn't mind.
Lucy splashed,
and swam,
and I joined her, till I swear a fish nibbled on my toe. hmmm.
Owen was Owen and had the most fun walking up and down the hill over and over again.
And he wanted nothing to do with picture-taking (he was too busy watching some Kayaks come to shore)
We tried.
How I love that little head!
We waded in the water for a bit and then headed back to the truck to dry off.
Lucy: "Naked shadows!"
Once clothed we walked to a different part of the lake through this gorgeous field of grass. Seemed like something the pioneers may have waded through on the plains.
It was the perfect spot to play Tag.
"You're it!"
There were plenty of flowers to be picked.
And lest you think it was all Little House on the Prairie, there were a few 2009 moments as well.
The grassy field ended at this pretty spot. The hour couldn't have been more perfect:
The clothing came off and Lucy was back in the water.
I'm amazed at how much fun this girl has in her own little world. I never heard exactly what she was saying but there was a whole conversation going on between her and the pebbles from the shore.
I'm sure they were going to the park together or having a tea party.
Casey and Owen had their own fun tossing pebbles into the water or shooting for a hole-in-one into Lucy's shoes.
I said to Casey at one point, there is no way you would find this back in LA. I couldn't believe that we were completely alone at this gorgeous spot. I mean, there is still amazing beauty back home....but to have the moment all to yourself as a family? Too cool.