joon bug baby items in Silent Auction
Two of my joon bug baby creations are part of a Silent Auction this weekend. The auction is to raise funds for the Stephanie Nielson family. For more info click here.
Two of my joon bug baby creations are part of a Silent Auction this weekend. The auction is to raise funds for the Stephanie Nielson family. For more info click here.
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1:45 AM
Dana and I have been watching a little Olympics here & there. But the only way to watch is with a Tivo. I mean come on, 5-7 hours a day? Twice as long as a football game? How many high dives can one person watch? Anyway, a lot of it is fairly watchable. My favorite moments thus far have been:
· Listening to sour grapes Mark Spitz, who had 7 gold medals back in the 70's, talk about how he and Phelps would have tied in a swimming contest – even though Phelps is breaking world records
· 12 year-old Chinese girls posing as 16 year-old Chinese girls
· Track stars tripping on hurdles, pulling muscles, or dropping batons after 4+ years of hard work and preparation
· The US and Chinese baseball teams trying to start World War III I guess I'm not your traditional Olympics fan. One of the things that I haven't figured out yet with the Summer Olympics is: what kind of an event is it? Is it an athletic event? A cultural event? Nothing more than a long, loosely choreographed show? I think it's kind of all of the above, and the word I would use is festival. It's a performance art festival. And contest. When you scan the events, the only thing in common appears to be that they are all contests. A large number of the events are not even sports as much as they are performance art that's judged in order to get a winner. I have a fundamental problem with any "sport" that's judged, and for that matter I find Table Tennis to be superior to, say, Syncronized Diving. And then there's Rhythmic Gymnastics?
Can we all just admit that the dancing and synchronized events are there to attract the American Idol/So You Think You Can Dance audience? And for that matter, why isn't singing a Summer Olympic event? Why not Darts? Rock/Paper/Scissors?
Here is my wish list for the 2012 Summer Olympics (feel free to add to this list):
· Fencing that doesn't stop after each point – let them keep sparring, like a boxing match. Go for 3 minutes at a time, hacking away at eachother. Winner gets the most hits in. Oh, and let's take off the bee costumes and wear more traditional or medieval outfits, a-la Pricess Bride. But with blunt rapiers, of course. In fact, why not combine gymanstics WITH fencing?....Fenctastics! · Bullfighting. Seriously, who wouldn't want to watch a Jamaican dressed up as a Matador? Or a red-headed Irishman? I think this could sell on PPV.
· Chess Boxing
In case you haven't heard, it's a growing sport. And if we're doing a Pentathlon, don't tell me Chess Boxing isn't right in the same alley.
· Arm westling – as long as every contestant dresses up like SeaBass That's all. Bring on the NFL season already.
Posted by
12:43 PM
Today our little Luce Goose turns 2 1/2 years old. I know, it's not really a birthday. But when you only have 2 years of life to chalk up on the board, another 1/2 year is something to blog about!Lucy is such a darling girl. I love her to pieces and I'm so happy I get to hug her, kiss her cute cheeks, and dance around with her whenever I want. Of course I also get to clean up her throw-up, deal with emotional rollercoasters, and teach her manners...but that's all part of the fun.
Here's what she's been up these past 6 months:
* She's become a parrot. She copies many things we say.
* She's obsessed with saying "I don't know" and it's adorable each time she says it.
* At 2 years old she hated it when I sang. I tried not to take it personally. Well, now...she LOVES singing! In fact I kinda miss the old days of listening to the radio in the car. But we have fun. She has a repertoire of requests for me to sing and other songs that she knows the words too.
* She LOVES the alphabet. Her favorite song is probably "A, B, C's"
* She can spell or recognize a few words: Dog, Cat, Lucy, Mom, Dad, and Owen
* She's great at playing Make Believe. She will honestly play for hours with her animal toys or any object she's holding and pretend that they are people who need to go to Target, or the mall, or the park, or church. She walks them around on the furniture. They talk to each other. They go pretend swimming. It's real cute to watch and especially funny to see her doing it with something as dumb as fruit snacks. The other night she was tucking each individual fruit snack into bed with one of her rags. And people wonder why she doesn't eat? Come on.... food is for playing, not eating!
* She's still a fairly obedient child. We have no fence around our front or back yards. But I know that she's always near the house. She often takes her animals and crayons on the front porch, sits on a cinder block and hides toys in that pillar to her left:
* When she wants to watch something on TV she says "Whatdoyou wanna watch?" She then makes me rattle off a slew of options and basically waits for me to say "Super Why?" At which point she lights up and says "Super Why?!" It's a very educational show so I don't mind her watching it.
* She likes the Disney songs: Following the Leader and Let's Get Together
* She loves Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Grandma Linda has the whole figurine set. Yay! Going to Disneyland this time around is going to be a whole new experience.
* She still sleeps about 11-12 hours at night and will take a 3 hour nap during the day if I let her.
* She HATES trying on new clothes and usually bawls when she has to. I just try to ignore it as she says "take it off? off?" Eventually she comes around and is fine the next time she wears the piece of clothing.
* She loves to be out and about doing things. We often go to the mall to walk around and play on the toys: Her favorite thing about the mall though is the "Doggie Store", and not because she wants to see the real dogs in their kennels but because she wants to play with these fake dogs and you know, do the normal make-believe routine mentioned above:
* She's very agile, loves to jump, dance, and these days...swing from anything that needs swinging:
* She's become a bit prissy. Sometimes she enjoys playing in the dirt and water but at other times, it drives her (and me) crazy. If she gets something on her hands, she'll whine at me that she needs to wipe them off. If she spills water on her shirt she whines that it's wet. What kid notices these things?? She's even funny when it comes to playing in the water. She likes to gather it in a cup rather than play in it. But sometimes it's hard to avoid:
(she does own a swimming suit but she had thrown-up on everything at this point) Which brings me to....
Posted by
9:30 AM
It's hard to believe that August is here; which means...summer's almost over?! As a kid, the three months of summer freedom felt endless. As an adult with no school-age children, July feels like December and March may very well be September (I guess the California weather is mostly to blame for that). I never know what time of year it is. But one thing that does make it feel like August is family vacationing. We were lucky this summer to have two family get-togethers. And this past weekend we spent it with the entire Willard family. We hung out in the great outdoors and had a totally great time. Nicole, my sister-in-law, did a fabulous job planning it all (HUGE thanks Nicole). We ended up here:Lake Gregory, near Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear. The weather was perfect, the company was great, and we stayed in this fabulous house:
It was HUGE with 5 bedrooms, 2 balconies/decks, a stocked kitchen, billiard room, dining room (game room), and BIG screen tv (perfect for hours of Mario Kart on the wii). My kids were happy just to roll around on the carpet (something we don't have in our 1950s apartment):
We don't get to see all the Willard family very often since Jeff/Nicole are in Utah and Brady's in Tucson. So it was really fun to just hang out in the same house together and catch up. Here's little Jillian. What a cutie . Those gorgeous blue eyes and curly hair:
When we arrived the boys went straight to work with a project. The balcony had a huge cap near the floor, perfect for a little child to fall through. So Parry and the boys went to the hardware store and came back with this fabulous solution:
Well done and thank you:
Since there are 4 brothers in the Willard fam, Grandma Linda is in love with her 3 granddaughters. She's never been able to buy little girl dresses till now. Here's the latest ensemble. Such cute girls! A little redundant with 3 pictures but they were all too cute. Lucy, Jillian, and Jacqueline:
Me and Casey hanging out on the deck:
Nicole and Jeff (Casey's younger brother):
The boys having a grand old time in the Billiard Room:
Jeff and Brady (Casey's youngest brother):
Things we did while lounging at the house....
Chess:Intricate puzzles:
Coloring and crafts:
Bubbles with Grandpa:
And HOURS and hours of this fun:
The last night there we had a Ticket to Ride tournament. Casey won the gold. Here we are with our best game faces:
Of course playing games late at night with Casey's silly brothers made everything funnier than it probably was and as idiotic as possible. We even discovered this magic water. As Jeff poured his water onto ice it froze immediately:
Chad and Lauren's two dogs, Mia and Otis, joined the party. And the girls couldn't get enough of them. Lucy called Mia, "Mina". And spent most of the weekend walking around saying, "Otis! Otis!" Or "I did it Otis!" (to whatever thing she was doing)She never knew quite where to hug him:
Owen was a happy camper. He played, was held by aunt/uncles and grandparents, and took all his naps. Life was grand:
We spent most of our first full-day at Lake Gregory. It's the perfect small lake for families. There are paddle boats and other toys to rent, a "beach" area for lounging (with dirt not sand. Bummer but still fun), and some super fun old-school water slides.
Looks like they're trudging through the Sahara. It was only a 5 min walk from the car:
Jacqueline's ball immediately rolled down to the water's edge. Lucy quickly recovered it:
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4:44 PM