Memorial Day and Labor Day are the perfect holidays for family, sunshine, and bbqs. And we were able to do all of the above!
We drove down to OC to hang out with everyone. And while Eric and Laura went house shopping, we and my parents took all the kids to the RSM lake to ride the paddle boats.
One of my all-time favorite people, my dad:
The boats were only $1.25 for a 1/2 hour. A dollar twenty-five??? Really? They could have said 5 bucks and I would have said, sure. The lake was popular that day so we had to wait 20 minutes for our boat. The kids were getting restless....
but Casey created entertainment:
Then we geared everyone up in their (required) life-vests. Lucy and Ava loved them:
Owen was less than thrilled:
But he didn't complain when Casey did this:
He just hung there and took it like a man. Not sure which looks worse, his squished nose or the strap riding up his crotch.
Three little monkeys, ready for the boat:
And three adults ready to chaperone:
And we're off!
It was actually a workout cycling those pedals (and holding a child on our laps). I'm embarrassed to admit that after 10 minutes, I was worn out! A well spent $1.25 though. We'll have to do it again.
Next we skipped, jumped, danced, and hopped over to the ducks. Lucy NEVER stops moving.
The ducks were marginally interested in our food (I guess that's what happens on busy holidays). But there was one big goose that kept coming back for more.
And Owen found him comical.
Back home, we had a real cookout with my parents' portable fire-ring. Bryan and Rich got the corn roasting on coals:
Meredith continued the legacy of styling her nephews' hair. Often you'll find Jeremy with a crazy do, but I guess Owen's old enough to join the club.
Thanks Mere Pear!
Owen couldn't get enough of the red soda:
(no matter who was feeding it to him):

And we all enjoyed a yummy meal of hot dogs, hamburgers, smoked corn on the cob, watermelon, smores, cookies, and cherry cobbler. Aunt Karen:
Meredith and Camille:
Eric and Laura:
And even Lucy got in on the action. I thought she would have forgotten about the time she tried corn on the cob last year and liked it. But I guess she didn't!

We love living close enough to both our families for fun days like these. Thanks mom for all the yummy food, thanks everyone for the good conversation, and thanks to all those who gave their lives for this wonderful country. Happy Memorial Day!