6 1/2 months old
Owen turned 6 months a couple weeks ago but we just switched insurances and thus, we've found a new doctor and I LOVE her. Today was our appointment and Owen was all smiles.If any of you have heard me complain about our old pediatrician you'll know how excited I am for a new one! We went to the other dr. because I was able to keep my Motion Picture health insurance for 2 years after leaving my job. Amazing. And the benefits were fabulous....totally 100% free everything...doctors and hospitals. The only downside was that the pediatrician in their network was in Sherman Oaks and she was a bit of an over-reactor and prescriber. She was personable, but drove me crazy. So, I got a recommendation from a couple friends for a dr. here in Pasadena. And she was totally great!. The office was fairly empty with a fabulous waiting room, we were in and out of there in about 45 minutes, we found parking on the street, AND my stroller fit through all the doors! I guess I'm excited to go back in a few months?
All in all, Owen is healthy and here are a few stats on our little guy:
* weight: 16 lbs, 11 oz (25th percentile)
* height: 27 inches (50th percentile)
* drinks 4-6 oz of Soy Formula every 3 hours
* started Rice Cereal again and he isn't too into it yet. But I predict he's going to be our eater (compared to Lucy)
* he SLEEPS!...for 12 hours each night and has been doing that for about a month. Some nights he'll wake up in the middle of the night but I give him his pacifier and he calms down. In fact the last two days have been the perfect schedule: everyone up at 7am, Owen naps from 8:30 to 10am while I get stuff done around the house and Lucy plays, out of the house for errands, Lucy and Owen down for naps from 12-3pm, an afternoon outing, baths around 6pm, Owen in bed by 7pm, Lucy up till 8:30/9pm. I would prefer that Lucy went to bed earlier but I also love having some hours during the day to myself. Thus, she continues to take a nap.
* Rolls to his stomach immediately when placed on his back. Can almost roll to his back again.
* Sits for a few seconds but we're working on it.
* LOVES his jumper. It took him a while to warm up to it. But he's figured it out. When he's on your lap he also wants to jump.
* He mostly loves to watch Lucy all day long. No matter what mood he's in, when Lucy enters the room he perks up and smiles at her. When she dances, he squeals. I'm sure he can't wait to get down and play instead of watching from a distance:* He still has his good days and bad days. Some days he's a bit cranky and needy. Mostly he just wants to be where the action is. But since I can't hold him all day long, he doesn't always get his way. His good days are becoming more frequent though and I love that. He sure is a cutie. Still smiling, even after a round of 3 vaccination shots: