Over the past few months we've done some partying and I'm only now getting around to blogging about it all. So, first up.....Jeremy's 7th birthday party!
My sister Camille is an amazing artist and goes all out for his parties. The kids really love it. The theme this year was Pokemon.

She had the awesome sanck bar with cotton candy and fresh snow cones:
And a bounce house with a slide. Our kids got to enjoy it before all the big kids came and it got real crazy. I thought my dad was going to have a heart attack watching the older boys come down that slide all afternoon. Someone was bound to smack their head on the concrete. But, no injuries!
There were tons of cute kids there (and adults too). I don't even know their names but I had fun shooting pics of them:

My mom, Bryan, and Bryan's dad running the snack bar:

Bethany and Camille:

Kathy and Bruce (Bryan's parents):

Heather and her husband:

Eric and Ava:

Lucy drawing in the garage:

me and Owen:

Our good family friend Jessica and her little girl Sophia:

And the birthday boy, Jeremy!

Jeremy is such a good kid. He's sweet, loves to have fun, and acts really silly at times. You can tell his friends love being around him.

a few of his good friends are, Hayden:


and I'm not sure if he's tight with this girl but she was so cute, I kept following her around with my camera:

All the kids enjoyed cupcakes. Lucy mostly enjoyed the frosting:

and then everyone gathered for present-time. What a crowd!

The best part for us was the after-party with just the fam. Plenty of left-over cotton candy:

and plenty of balloons just hanging out. Lucy walked around the house and gathered all of the bunches together. I thought she'd have a curious george, fly-away moment!

But she stayed on the ground. The balloons however were only safe till Bryan grabbed a 2x4:

And then we enjoyed watching them in the sky for the next half-hour.

Happy Birthday Jer! Glad we could be there to celebrate with you!