(be prepared for lots of pics)
It's been fun having so many visitors this month. First Kam and Gerrit and now Sara and Makenna. Stay tuned next week for pics of Rachael, Carter, and Savanna! (they're already in town)
My brother Mark had a computery conference/competition in Memphis for a few days, so Sara and their baby Makenna came down to hang out with the Suman side for the week. It was fun spending time with both of them. Papa was in heaven holding all his little grandbabies.
Makenna is only 3 months older than Owen, but what a difference that makes in baby-years. She's way more active than he is. And so cute!
Bummer she's not old enough to get down and play with the other kids. But soon enough she will be. The first day we went to the Irvine Spectrum and let the kids play in the jumping water fountains. Lucy loves playing with Jeremy and she wants to do everything he's doing, as you can see in this picture:
Jeremy is a sweetheart and loves playing with Lucy too. Maybe he feels like her big brother. Even though they're years apart, he has fun running around with Ava and Lucy:

Makenna watched from the sidelines:

Camille, Makenna, Sara, and Mere:
Laura and Ava:
Post water fountains. All dried off!
Of course there are about 5 other fountains at the Spectrum. And Lucy wanted to stick her hands in.
The next day we headed to The Santa Ana Zoo. I remember going there as a kid and well, it was pretty much as I remember from being a kid....small and not that exciting. But fun when you're with fun people! And tons of monkeys to look at.

Lucy's favorite part was the farm animals. The chickens frightened her at first with a huge "baaaak!" in her face. But she warmed up to them, seeing as they are one of her favorite toys at home.
After looking at the animals, we played on the park toys. Brilliant idea. Ava and Lucy shared the slide.

One morning while we were there, Jeremy asked Lucy if she wanted to have a picnic. And since the grass was all wet, we set up towels on the concrete and they had their fun...
...with tons of little snacks. It was fun to watch them. Jeremy enjoyed the food more than Lucy, but they were good at sharing.
And then they wandered the backyard, still sharing snacks. Lucy has just figured out how to say everyone's name and it's cute to hear her following him around saying, "Jairmy! Jairmy!"
Other fun stuff we did with Sara: yogurt from Golden Spoon, American Idol nights, and watched "Reality Bites". Total flashback to college freshman year. I love that movie.
And to finish our week-long update....we went to a cool park on Saturday with Casey's co-workers for the annual Hall and Partners Play Date. Most of his coworkers are young and single. But there are a handful that are married with kids. So Jackie organized a play date for everyone with bagels, fish crakers, and park toys. The park is in a little valley RIGHT behind The Grove. It's perfect. You can park, play on the toys, and hit up Nordstrom afterward!
Owen looked like a little pea pod with his hat on.
Something in the bushes?
The whole work group. We were missing a few people that couldn't make it. Lucy loved hanging out in a pirate ship.
And a typical Saturday...In N Out for lunch. Followed by a typical Lucy face...crusty nose and left-over ketchup.
Fun week! We're glad you came down Sara! It'll be fun to hang out this summer while Mark does his internship.